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Assessment Locations:

Ted Early Sports Complex Field #2
Windermere Soccer Fields #1 and #2

Who will the coaches be?

Insert coach list here to come 

What league will the teams play in?

FC LONDON will be applying for ORNCA status in the fall of 2016 for play in leagues up to U18 in the 2017 season.
A OPDL application will be placed when the league application window opens in 2017 for play in the 2018 season.
U21 teams will playin OSL and WOSL leagues.

Will a specific methodology be tough in training sessions?

Our Academy instructors and staff are highly trained in Tactical Periodization and its principles will form the core of the training models that transform how Canadians play soccer.  PLeae see the following link for an explanation of how current models and approaches to soccer in Canada result in overtraining, unnecessary injury and running fitness, but abymal soccer fitness.  Our focus will be on skill and not size and strength.  Our collective experience building and developing top talents in Europe will be transferred to the canadain landscape

Is this a proven methodology?

Periodization is derived from 'Period' which is a division of time into smaller, easy-to-manage segments.  In our case ''Training Periods'. Specifically, periodization is the division of a yearly training plan into training phases which apply to the principles of training.  Work load and intensity of training programs in split into successive small units ranging from one week to a full year. Each segment of training targets a specific type of training (i.e. skill, speed, strength, stamina and suppleness (the five S’s).  In football these fitness attributes need to be blended with both technical and tactical training.  A well designed training program takes into account both the physiological and psychological needs of players.


To acheive mamximum performance and effective training it is the coaches responsibility to properly periodize and plan the training for the year.  The development of skills and psychological attributes should follow a logical sequence. 


Our goal is to have our players peak at the optimal times (i.e. Competition).  Deficient preparation will result in less than optimal performance.  Planning a successful training plan isa two way process between the coaching staff and players to develop a realistic and attainable schedule with a balance between training and recovery.  Inexperienced players and youth players are dependent on their coaches to develop these plans.

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